The Ugly Cry
The Ugly Cry hits you when you least expect it. Usually after something minor goes wrong, which just sets off an entire wave of emotion. Your face scrunches up and hot wet tears roll down your face. You gasp for breath, but with every breath The Ugly Cry attacks a little more. Your throat and mouth hurt. All vanity is thrown out the window. You don't care just how ugly you look when you're having The Ugly Cry.
You want to stop crying but at the same time you need to feel this pain. It's the only thing that justifies all you've been through, and proves that your love for your lost ones is indeed real. There's no denying real emotions when you're having an ugly cry. You can't fake it. No one can accuse you of being unreal.
The Ugly Cry is going to be a constant companion in my life. Sure, it may leave once in a while, but it will always return. There's nothing I can do to rid of it, until I'm lucky enough to be reunited with my Bear and Babybear again.
I think the "Ugly Cry" is a way of cleansing your soul. Embrace it and let your emotions flow. Praying for you, Ter!
Big ((HUGS))
I totally understand the ugly cry. Praying for you Ter. I pray that you will be able to reach out to others around you. I pray that you will reach out to God who loves you more that you can imagine. It is hard to believe this now, but you will survive this.
I agree with April.. it's just gettin it all out there on the table.. nothing wrong with that.
I am thinking of you!
Hon, we all have the Ugly Cry in our lives. All of us. for different reasons. And you've hit it on the head, you unfortunately need it to work through your emotions.
While the Ugly Cry may always be there lingering in the background waiting to strike, it won't be your constant companion. Everytime it attacks it loses a little more power over you, and eventually it won't have much of a foot hold. Because even though the Ugly Cry may validate your pain, you are healing, and one day your pain won't be the biggest thing in your life. It may always be there, but it won't be the biggest thing. HUGS. You know where to find me and my collection of bad movies.
I really liked what you said here, "You want to stop crying but at the same time you need to feel this pain. It's the only thing that justifies all you've been through, and proves that your love for your lost ones is indeed real. There's no denying real emotions when you're having an ugly cry. You can't fake it. No one can accuse you of being unreal." I can relate to that feeling.
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